That charismatic Cajun X-Man is lending a hand as only he can this weekend in “Marvel Heroes.” As part of Gambit’s Luck of the Draw Weekend, anyone who buys a hero or costume in-game will receive a random bonus hero or costume absolutely free. Think of it as a “Buy 1, Get 1 Free” sale, except with the added excitement of not knowing what your freebie is going to be.
There’s no guarantee you’ll get a hero you don’t already own, but if you do get a duplicate, you’ll receive a Hero Token which will allow you to upgrade that hero’s Ultimate Power. Full details on the promotion are available at this FAQ, and the sale runs through Monday, January 20 at 11:59 pm PST.
It’s also still X-Defense Player Appreciation Week in “Marvel Heroes,” meaning that game mode has been boosted with increased special item find, increased rare item find, bonus XP, bonus loot, and more. All you have to do is find a waypoint and enter X-Defense mode to enjoy the extras, if you can use the word “enjoy” for having to battle wave after wave of enemies.
Time to get cracking, because Gambit won’t be in such a giving mood forever. Tell Remy we said thanks.
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