You know what would make playing Game Insight's multiplayer tank battle game "..."/> You know what would make playing Game Insight's multiplayer tank battle game "..."/>

Tank Domination Contest Giving Away iPad Air, In-Game Currency


You know what would make playing Game Insight’s multiplayer tank battle game “Tank Domination” a lot more fun? A brand new iPad Air to play it on. But those are expensive. If only there was some way to put the knowledge you’ve gained playing tank games to use to win one…

Happily, that’s actually going on right now thanks to Game Insight’s “The Real Tankees Will Win” contest running through January 30. It’s free to enter, and all you have to do to be eligible for one of three iPad Air WiFi+Cellular 16 GB models or prizes of in-game currency (2000, 3000 or 5000 Warbucks) is answer a few questions and “perform a creative task” at the end (to defeat spammers, don’t you know). That last part is important, as you can earn a maximum of 17 points for the questions and five bonus points for the “creative task.”

All the answers are embedded within the “Tank Domination” site, so don’t be afraid to treat the contest like an open book test. Good luck!


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