The Galactic Starfighter expansion for "Star Wars: The Old Republic" has opene..."/> The Galactic Starfighter expansion for "Star Wars: The Old Republic" has opene..."/>

Galactic Starfighter Opens For Preferred Access SWTOR Players


The Galactic Starfighter expansion for “Star Wars: The Old Republic” has opened up to a whole bunch more pilots.

Previously accessible only to subscribers, the 12v12 dogfighting portion of BioWare’s MMO is now available to preferred access players, a.k.a. folks who are not monthly subscribers but have made at least $4.99 in in-game purchases, along with previous subscribers who no longer pay to play. The strictly free-to-play crowd still has to wait until February 4 to join in the space battles.

The Gunship was also permanently unlocked for use by all players within Galactic Starfighter. Promising heavy damage from a range, Gunships are perfect for filling a sniper role within space combat.

And since seeing is believing, you can see the Gunship in all its glory in this newly released trailer:


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