Yoshi's New Island will be coming to North America on March 14 for the Nintendo 3DS,..."/> Yoshi's New Island will be coming to North America on March 14 for the Nintendo 3DS,..."/>

Yoshi’s New Island Sees March 14 Release Date In North America


Yoshi’s New Island will be coming to North America on March 14 for the Nintendo 3DS, Nintendo has announced earlier today. The game, developed by Arzest, will be the company’s first fully-fledged game to see the market, as the company has worked on mini-game collection Wii Play: Motion, mobile slot game Slot Monsters, character models for Time Travelers, as well as features on the Nintendo 3DS StreetPass Mii Plaza.

It may be a huge risk to hand over such an iconic game IP in Yoshi to a relatively-inexperienced developer. A quite notable example would be when Metroid: Other M was handed to Team Ninja in 2010. To that date, they had never developed for the Nintendo Wii and the franchises they had worked on was Ninja Gaiden and Dead or Alive. It is 2014 and there is no Metroid game being developed in sight due to just how bad a job the company did with such a treasured IP in Other M.

The game is being produced by Takashi Tezuka, who was the game director for the SNES original game, however. Perhaps his guidance will be enough to ensure Yoshi’s New Island sees a successful release on March 14. Here’s a teaser trailer.


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