One of the selling points for the Xbox One is its ability to weave webs of interactivity ..."/> One of the selling points for the Xbox One is its ability to weave webs of interactivity ..."/>

Twitch Streaming On Xbox One Still ‘Few More Months’ Away


One of the selling points for the Xbox One is its ability to weave webs of interactivity over several mediums. More specifically, game experiences that were meant to be shared with Microsoft’s Skydrive and Upload Studio from the Game DVR. It would also set up for the ability to livestream gaming content on Twitch through the console, however it appears as though it will take some time for the game service to come to the Xbox One.

No doubt is it a disappointment, especially considering the fact that the Xbox One has more copyright liberties with game streaming than the PS4. Despite the fact that the PS4 is already supported and has provided Twitch with about 20% of their holiday streaming, the console still suffers from HDCP copyright protection, which requires workarounds to get content in a stable place online.

It could also serve to lessen the range in which the Xbox One’s games are shared by the fans over the coming months. Titanfall comes to mind, as the Microsoft-exclusive shooter screams out as the type of game that would be fun to livestream. Yes, you can technically find ways to get around that issue right now, but the common gamer is not willing to spend hundreds of dollars to get around this barrier when it will be solved in several months from now.

Hopefully Twitch will come sooner to the Xbox One than later. 5 minute clips is not enough for the majority of 8th generation multiplayer shareable experiences (with the exception of Killer Instinct fights).


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