PSA: There Are Xbox Ones Available At Retail

The assumption is that this close to Christmas, you can’t just walk into a store, pick up an Xbox One and have it right in your mitts just like that. And for the most part, that assumption is correct.

However, our sources on the ground (read: friends and family) are reporting that some stores have received some new shipments over the weekend. The Target closest to my house had Xbox Ones in stock as of this morning. That’d be the store on 4600 High Pointe Blvd, Harrisburg, PA if you feel up to making a drive—or a flight, as the case may be.

All joking aside, this is, of course, purely anecdotal. But the point is that you shouldn’t just assume there aren’t any consoles out there. Things get shipped right up to the last minute at this time of year. Drop in on some stores or call around and you never know: you might still be able to score an Xbox One before Santa makes his sleigh ride.


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