Nintendo Direct: Rosalina & Luma Confirmed For Super Smash Bros

When Masahiro Sakurai tweeted out a link to Nintendo Direct yesterday, it was apparent that we would receive some sort of Super Smash Bros news for the upcoming Nintendo 3DS and Wii U games. In a twist of what appeared to be Mario Kart 8 news comes the reveal that Rosalina and Luma have been confirmed as the newest characters to the Smash Bros roster.

Their move set is interesting. Rosalina can launch Luma out, attack enemies herself and use Luma coming back as a way to juggle opponents in the air. Rosalina also has moves similar to Fox and Falco in the ability to reflect attacks, this time around her and not back at opponents. Luma and Rosalina together appear to act like they were the Ice Climbers, with one of them being able to be knocked off the stage. Rosalina and Luma top tier confirmed?

The release date for Super Smash Bros on the Wii U and 3DS is still unknown, unfortunately. Get on that, Sakurai and Nintendo!


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