Nintendo Direct kicked off with a bang, as Satoru Iwata announced a brand new game coming..."/> Nintendo Direct kicked off with a bang, as Satoru Iwata announced a brand new game coming..."/>

Nintendo Direct: Hyrule Warriors Announced


Nintendo Direct kicked off with a bang, as Satoru Iwata announced a brand new game coming to Nintendo Wii U called Hyrule Warriors. It will act as a combination of both Dynasty Warriors gameplay and combat style with the enemy mobs and bosses from the Zelda universe.

The title is not final, with the game coming out in 2014. It is a truly surprising way to start off Nintendo Direct, as nobody saw it coming. Additionally, it is great to see Nintendo get weird with their IPs. The Legend of Zelda has been accused of retreading on familiar play, especially with the recent release of The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds being similar to A Link to the Past. To have Link in an entirely-different franchise’s mode of play will be interesting to see.

We’ll be looking out for more information about Hyrule Warriors as it comes out. Look for it next year, in 2014. Check out the trailer below, as well!


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