Happy New DLC Week! What, that’s not a thing? Maybe it should be, considering that two fairly big games are getting new content this week and there isn’t a whole lot else new coming out.
A couple days ago, I saw video game writer Brittany Vincent suggest on Twitter (@MolotovCupcake) that games should automatically notify their owners when new DLC is released—sort of like push notifications in the real world. Wouldn’t that make all kinds of sense? Developers, get on this.
Of course the downside is that I wouldn’t get to tell anyone about said content when it came out, which possibly would put me out of a (currently low-paying) job. So there’s that.
Until that day comes, you’re stuck with me and others of my ilk. So let’s just roll right into some new DLC and a few other morsels that become available over the next seven days:
“Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag” – Freedom Cry DLC (PS4, Xbox One, PS3, Xbox 360) – December 17
I’ve always liked the “Assassin’s Creed” series, so it was nice to see it get some swagger back after the lukewarm reception to “Assassin’s Creed III.” Hopefully the goodwill can continue with this first expansion, which places former slave-turned-assassin Adewale in the spotlight.
The story here is set 15 years after the events of the main game and starts Adewale out with nothing except his training and any other tricks he picked up serving as Edward Kenway’s right-hand man. And really, all you need to know is that it’s approximately three mour hours of piratey goodness, right?
“Borderlands 2” – How Marcus Saved Mercenary Day DLC (PS3, Xbox 360, PC) – December 17
Call it a holiday tale of a different sort. Marcus’ gun shipment train is missing, and it’s got to be found, or else.
Plus this is a DLC pack with some real life stakes, since the word is that Gearbox is only going to continue creating new “Borderlands 2” content if this year’s Headhunter Packs end up financially successful. That makes perfect sense, so if you want to see more in 2014, it’d probably be a good idea to get on board with this one.
“Terraria” (VIta) – December 17
“Terraria” is one of those games I feel horrible about not playing. Like, I actually feel like less of a video games journalist for never giving it a try, seeing as this 2D action-adventure has received quite a bit of acclaim and has been available on multiple platforms.
Now it’s coming to Vita too, but that doesn’t help me since I don’t own one of those. I’m going to get around to playing it someday, this I vow.
“Bit.Trip Presents Runner 2: Future Legend of Rhythm Alien” (Vita) – December 17
Speaking of games that Vita owners are finally getting a chance to enjoy, “Runner 2” is a blast—and I can say that from personal experience. When a game has a dance move that earns you extra points but has to be carefully timed to avoid death, what’s not to love?
One thing though: that long name. There’s no way I’m typing that into posts except on first mention. It’s just too long. I dub thee “Runner 2,” and that’s that.
Also releasing this week: “Mutant Mudds Deluxe” (PS3, Vita) – December 17; “Eufloria” (Vita) – December 17; “Zen Pinball 2” (PS4) – December 17; “Toki Tori” (PS3) – December 17; “Knytt Underground” (Wii U) – December 19