Jim Carey once said Christmas was about presents while playing the Grinch on the big screen. We all know there’s more to it than that, but it’s still great to get some free gifts, and that’s what is going on in “Super Hero Squad Online” right now—or at least on the game’s Facebook page.
Right now and running through Christmas Eve, “Super Hero Squad Online” is having a “12 Days of Christmas” giveaway for a new hero every day. The only requirement is that you “Like” the game on Facebook and comment with your Squad name on the post for that day. Do it by 5 pm PST that day and you’ll be entered to win. Simple, right?
In-game, the Asgardian Gladiators are ready to put you to the test, meaning Loki and the Enchantress are teaming up to cause trouble in a new Survival Mission with regular and Crisis Edition difficulties. Plus there’s a special subscription sale on the way soon.
As usual, there’s something free too, in this case a Damage Boost potion. Just log in to your “Super Hero Squad Online” account and enter the code “WNTRDMGBST” to snag it.
Hey, I guess that’s a present too. So maybe Grinch Carey was right, at least in this case. See you in Super Hero City!
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