Hey, wait a minute. If it’s called “Neverwinter,” how can there be a… I guess it’s just a name.
Yes, despite how it may sound, winter does indeed come to “Neverwinter” every year just like most other places, so Cryptic and Perfect World are celebrating in-game by rolling out the Winter Festival of Simril on December 19. It’s an observance of the winter solstice and the longest night of the year, bringing with it a brand new zone, all kinds of special activities, and plenty of mounts and companions dreamed up especially for the season.
Players can collect the Lights of Simril and Stars of Fortune to redeem for Sparkling weapons, the Winter Sled and Dappled Riding Horse mounts, a pair of new companions, and wintery cosmetic items. And how does one go about gathering these event currencies, you ask? By taking part in the following Winter Festival events:
- The Twilight Run – Take part in slalom races around the Lake Glorfindar on your favorite mounts, on your feet, or the brand new magical Winter Sled mount!
- Monsters on Ice – Fight on an icy lake against frost goblins, ice trolls, and rimefire golems in a contest to defeat the most frigid foes possible!
- Ice Fishing – Go ice fishing across Lake Glorfindar, utilizing rare baits and better rods to pull in the largest fish possible. Rare fish bring in more points in a contest, and more Lights of Simril to be used for various Winter Festival-exclusive items
- Star Gazing – Stare into the winter sky and view the various constellations of Neverwinter and receive a fortune. Lucky players may even receive a special buff!
- Simril Lightcrafting – Collect the Lights of Simril and craft them into various items in a brand new Master of Lights profession!
It’s enough to make you all warm and toasty inside, even if (like it is here right now) the snow is falling outside. The Winter Festival takes over “Neverwinter” through January 9, so don’t miss out.