To those who have been waiting for the character action Metal Gear Solid spinoff, Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance, to hit the PC for months; the wait might be finally over soon. According to the official Konami podcast, the game is in the final preparations for Steam and could be popping up on the digital distribution platform, “Any day now.“
It was first reported from Metal Gear Informer, who are no doubt excited to see the hack-and-slash game, featuring Metal Gear Solid 2 and 4’s Raiden, this close to be released on PC. Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance is decidedly more of a step away from that traditional stealth genre that Metal Gear games usually inhabit, but is definitely worth exploring if you didn’t pick it up for PS3 or Xbox 360.
The combat is decidedly skill-based, as you will have to rely heavily on dodges and parries to destroy enemies and bosses. Plus, if you’re like me and want a challenge, the game becomes very tough in the higher difficulties. Precision timing is required to come out on the other side alive.
Either way, it’s great to see more multi-platform games comes to PC, even if it takes a bit of time to get there. Look out for Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance on the Steam Store soon.
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