Android users like “The Hobbit: Kingdoms of Middle-earth.” How do I know this? Because they voted to give Kabam’s free-to-play strategy game one of the first annual Google Play Player’s Choice Awards.
Specifically, “The Hobbit” took the prize in the category called Lights, Camera, Games—otherwise known as the best game based on a movie. That might not sound like that great an honor considering that many film-based games are, to be blunt, not very good, but considering the Player’s Choice Awards only had three categories specifically devoted to video games, it’s not too shabby either.
The other gaming awards given out were I Can’t Quit You (Most Addictive Game, which went to “Knights & Dragons”) and Old School, Still Cool (Best Franchise Game, where the nod went to “Bejeweled Blitz”). There were also several awards given to non-gaming apps, plus a few honorable mention “write-in” props for “Ingress” and “Samural Siege.” You can see the whole list right here.
Kabam has plenty to crow about these days, but it still likes touting the success of games like “The Hobbit: Kingdoms of Middle-earth.” The game has grossed over $100 million in revenue since its launch 13 months ago (probably where some of the stadium naming rights money came from) and recently got a brand new expansion based on “The Desolation of Smaug” that should only increase its profile with the movie coming out today.
If you still haven’t played it and want to get a taste that unabashedly plays up its connection to the first “Hobbit” flick, check out the trailer right here:
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