In news that is sure to please fans of the music in video games, Nintendo has released the full soundtracks to Pokemon Fire Red and Leaf Green on the Apple iTunes store, giving Pokemon fans the world over a chance to listen to the classic sounds without having to still own the game.
For $11.99, fans can purchase the 90-track album that includes everything from trainer battle music to the six-second long “Fanfare: Pokemon Obtained” track. Of course, if you don’t want all 90 tracks, you can simply purchase each individually for 99 cents. However, that seems a bit silly when you can just have them all! You know, because it’s Pokemon. Get it? Gotta
, err, download’em all!
More Pokemon soundtracks are expected to continue throughout 2014 as the series will include the soundtrack releases for Pokemon HeartGold/SoulSilver, Pokemon Ruby/Sapphire, Pokemon Diamond/Pearl, Pokemon Black/White, and Pokemon Black 2/White 2. So, clear space on that iPod Pokemon lovers because it’s about to get overrun by the game freak logo!
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