We are still more than 3 months away from the release of the Final Fantasy X and X-2 HD R..."/> We are still more than 3 months away from the release of the Final Fantasy X and X-2 HD R..."/>

New Final Fantasy X Trailers Showcase Auron, Kimahri & Others


We are still more than 3 months away from the release of the Final Fantasy X and X-2 HD Remaster here in North America, but overseas in Japan the game is just a few weeks from being released. To hype up the game, Square Enix have been releasing trailers showing off the new game in glorious high definition over on their Youtube account.

Today, they have released 5 new videos showing off various aspects of Final Fantasy X. Each one is in Japanese, but the visuals will remain the same when the game comes to North America on March 18, 2014.

To those who have not played Final Fantasy X before, some of these trailers contain story elements at or beyond the halfway point in the game, so a slight spoiler warning is provided now if you want to keep the illusion of surprise.

Auron Trailer

Kimahri Trailer

Summons Trailer

Secondary Characters Trailer

Wedding Interupted Trailer


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