Here’s A List Of Game Publishers That Allow Youtube Let’s Play Videos

Youtube, for better or for worse (it’s for worse), has been stepping up their automated content-ID matching for copyrighted materials. What started out as an appeasement to the corporate hierarchy is turning out to be a headache for the common man and woman. Some Youtubers, whether they been social commenters, reviewers or Let’s Play-ers, have had monetization taken away to the extent of hundreds of their videos as a result of content-ID claims.

At the very least, some publishers are openly stating that they are not making these claims. Some have even begun to make blanket copyright statements on their websites or in social media accounts that Youtube content creators can point at in the appeals process.

Best yet, the Let’s Play community is banding together to create a master wiki list of all the gaming publishers that allow for monetization of their game collections on Youtube.

A great deal of the list details small indie developers and publishers (like Devolver Digital and Deep Silver), as they benefit the most from allowing Youtube to broadcast their gaming content as a means of free marketing. Still, big-name publishers like 2K Games, Blizzard Entertainment and Ubisoft have all signed off in one way or another for their games to be transformed into adapted Youtube content.

Barring the release of videos specifically detailing spoilers or game endings, there should be absolutely no problem with making educational or transformative videos out of playing video games. It is a way for entertaining voices to make money doing something they love, just as an actor would performing TV, film or live theater.

Just like Youtube made amends to companies like Viacom, Youtube should be repairing their reputation with their content creators. Those who are sending out these fraudulent patent-troll-esque content ID claims should be banned altogether in repeated cases of false reports. If the talent continues to be mistreated, we could see a huge shift from edited-down videos to live-streamed content on Twitch and Ustream.

Seeing how the PS4 and Xbox One will support those avenues, I wouldn’t be surprised if that is where the money will eventually go to if things stay the same.


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