First Party Xbox One Games Have Prices Raised In UK

Liverpool midfielder Steven Gerrard potentially pointing out raised UK Xbox One games prices.

Gaming in Britain is a tad bit more expensive than over here in North America. With the conversion rates, gamers abroad often pay more for consoles and software titles. Now it appears as though the prices for first party Xbox One games will rise even higher over in the UK.

Eurogamer has noted that the price of some Xbox One digital purchases of games published by Microsoft Studios have gone up by £5. This includes Dead Rising 3, Ryse: Son of Rome and Forza Motorsport 5 rising from £44.99 to £49.99. Both of these games are cheaper to purchase in a brick-and-mortar gaming retailer.

50 Pounds roughly translates to $81.63 USD/$86.86 CAD, which is a lot to pay for a game downloaded through the Xbox Store. In fact, subtracting the costs of packaging and shipping the game should logically lower the price of downloads, not raise them a few weeks after the Xbox One’s launch. Still, noting that PlayStation’s first party AAA games Knack and Killzone: Shadow Fall are priced at £52.99 each, it apparently pays to pick up your games in stores in the UK.


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