Youtube’s Top 10 Trending Gaming Videos For 2013

It’s the end of 2013, and that means end-of-the-year reviews are coming. For Youtube, gaming videos have been a staple of the video portal’s growth this past year, so the company has come up with the list for the Top 10 Trending Gaming Videos of 2013.

Here they are, embedded for your viewing pleasure!

10. Minecraft Mini-Game : COPS N ROBBERS! by SkyDoesMinecraft

9. Official PlayStation Used Game Instructional Video

by PlayStation


by Pewdiepie

7. Battlefield 4: Official 17 Minutes “Fishing in Baku” Gameplay Reveal

by Battlefield

6. League of Legends Music: Get Jinxed by League of Legends

5. Official Call of Duty: Ghosts Reveal Trailer


4. League of Legends Cinematic: A Twist of Fate

by League of Legends

3. OUTRAGEOUS ENDING! – Mad Father (6)

by Pewdiepie

2. Grand Theft Auto V: Official Gameplay Video

by RockstarGames

1. PlayStation 4

by PlayStation

So, as you could probably tell, what did well for Youtube gaming in 2013 doesn’t necessarily correlate to quality of content, but to just how well viewed the content was. If you want to get a better idea of quality Youtube gaming content for those with less than 50,000 subscribers, look out for my newest addition to my Youtube Gaming Community Clicks series coming soon.


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