Full Disclosure: I pledged money to the Project Eternity/Pillars of..."/> Full Disclosure: I pledged money to the Project Eternity/Pillars of..."/>

Kickstarter Game Project Eternity Becomes ‘Pillars of Eternity,’ Trailer Released


Full Disclosure: I pledged money to the Project Eternity/Pillars of Eternity Kickstarter project almost a year before I had ever professionally written about video games in any form, let alone for GameSided.com.

It’s been a long time since computer role playing games (like Baldur’s Gate, Planescape: Torment and Neverwinter Nights) were dominant in the computer gaming marketplace, but Kickstarter-backed projects like Torment: Tides of Numenera and Pillars of Eternity plan to bring the 90’s back in the mid-2010’s.

More specifically, Obsidian Entertainment has been developing what was called Project Eternity for over a year since they attained near $4 million in funding from Kickstarter backers. Now comes a news update from the developers that the new title for the game will now be “Pillars of Eternity.” Additionally, they have released their first gameplay teaser trailer for the game.

Pillars of Eternity looks to bring CRPG’s back to isometric 3D landscapes, alongside party-based adventuring and choices between passive and battle-confrontational gameplay moments. The trailer brings a very nostalgic feel, which likely is intended on Obsidian’s part.

Right now there is no definitive release date other than 2014. The Kickstarter page for Pillars of Eternity suggested an estimated release of April 2014, but seeing how other projects have fared with hitting deadlines in the past I wouldn’t be surprised if this game were to be released in the second half of next year. Regardless, it is an exciting time for fans of old-school CRPG gaming!


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