Xbox One owners, it's time to update. And if you don't do it now, you'll ..."/> Xbox One owners, it's time to update. And if you don't do it now, you'll ..."/>

First Xbox One System Update Live, Is Mandatory By December 12


Xbox One owners, it’s time to update. And if you don’t do it now, you’ll be doing it before the end of the week anyway.

According to Major Nelson himself, the first post-launch update for Xbox One that went live tonight will be automatically applied to those consoles using the “Instant On” feature. For everyone else, the update will be required the first time the box is turned on after December 12 at 5 am ET.

The purpose of the update is to tackle SmartGlass issues and problems with users rejoining multiplayer games. Some Xbox One owners will also see improvements to the dashboard performance and wireless connectivity. And there’s this vague promise of future stuff:

"Offers improvements for Xbox One’s TV, system update, and content update services for scaling over time"

Commenters on Nelson’s original post are already claiming the update helped fix their Xbox One failing to respond to the “Xbox on” command, so this is a good thing. Now about the party chat…


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