Report: PS4 Sells 1.25M November Units In The US; Xbox One Sells 750,000

While he hasn’t been the most reliable when it comes to predictions, Michael Pachter is one of the privileged few when it comes to sales numbers and NPD data in the United States. According to his estimated findings, reported on in MCV, the PS4 sold near 1.25 million units in the US during the month of November, while the Xbox One sold 66% fewer units at roughly 750,000 units.

To be fair, the Xbox One released worldwide to 13 countries, including Canada, United States and Mexico, a week later than the PS4’s November 15 release in just Canada and the United States. Still, it speaks more to Sony’s ability to produce more units overall, as just 2 weeks later on November 29th the PS4 released to 30 additional countries worldwide.

Both consoles have seen wide-reaching success in a few short weeks of existence. Even at ~750,000 units sold for Microsoft’s 8th gen console between November 22-November 30, it is still on pace to beat out the Game Boy Advance to sell the 2nd most amount of units in its first month (2nd to the PS4), according to this Business Insider chart. (made before the Xbox One launch)

In the early going, it looks like the PS4 has the early edge in the United States when it comes to consumer purchases. However, just like with the last generation of gaming, sometimes slow and steady wins the race. To those who say console gaming is dead, however; eat your heart out!


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