Usually, Loki is a bad guy. He's the God of Mischief, after all, and he's done..."/> Usually, Loki is a bad guy. He's the God of Mischief, after all, and he's done..."/>

Loki Is Newest Playable Character In Super Hero Squad Online


Usually, Loki is a bad guy. He’s the God of Mischief, after all, and he’s done a lot of not so nice things over the years in the pages of Marvel comics, on the big screen, and in TV cartoons.

Every now and then he does something that isn’t so bad though, like when he was originally responsible for the comic book version of the Avengers (inadvertently, but we’ll count it). And when it suits his purposes, he’ll team up with heroes to fight an even greater evil.

It’s probably in that spirit that he’s become the newest playable character in “Super Hero Squad Online,” available now. His powers suit his nature, including one that has enemies seeing triple, unsure of which one is the real Loki. And just to prove there’s still a bond between him and his step-brother, his Thunderstruck power summons Thor to do some hammer-swinging and general smiting.

Loki’s arrival is just the harbinger of some great year-end content planned for “Super Hero Squad Online,” like a special mission centered on the Impossible Man—one of the few Marvel characters who might be able to out-trick Loki—and an all new Winter Event. To tide you over until then, you can enter the code “WLCMWNTER” to get yourself a free Winter Globe. Because even super heroes and villains need to be ready for the holidays…


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