Just as we thought it was all over, Just as we thought it was all over,

VGX 2013: Stryder Titan Announced In Interrupted Titanfall Trailer


Just as we thought it was all over, VGX 2013 brought us back in! Respawn Entertainment provided one last-second Titanfall trailer, revealing their third Titan, “Stryder.”

He is built to be more lightweight than the other mechs, opting for speed and agility over heavy defense and artillery.

What was more intriguing was the nod to the story elements of Titanfall being introduced. As we saw a “live action test” of Stryder in action, we see an enemy militia show up on set with their own Ogre titan, revealed by Hammond in an earlier trailer. The Stryder, being outnumbered by opposing forces, tries to get out. A second Titan comes in to destroy the live feed, cutting it dead.

Just who are these enemy forces? Is Hammond Robotics being sabotaged from within? We’ll see more of Titanfall when it releases for Xbox One, Xbox 360 and on PC March 11, 2014. Here’s the VGX 2013 Stryder trailer.



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