VGX 2013: The Lutece Twins Win Character of the Year

A great character goes a long way towards making a great game. In 2013, there were plenty of great characters in games that helped make each game memorable for years to come. At VGX 2013, two individual characters as well as two sets of two characters were up of the award for Character of the Year.

Lara Croft from Tomb Raider, Trevor Phillips from Grand Theft Auto V, The Lutece Twins from Bioshock Infinite and Naiee and Nyaa from Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons were all up for the Vector Monkey. In the end, it was Robert and Rosalind Lutece from Bioshock Infinite who walked away with the award. Kind of odd that it’s called “Character of the Year”, and instead went to two people. But, that’s a discussion for another time.

It’s now the second award of the night for Bioshock.


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