While there may be buzz about the future of Majora's Mask generated from other recen..."/> While there may be buzz about the future of Majora's Mask generated from other recen..."/>

Skull Kid From Majora’s Mask Will Be A Super Smash Bros Assist Trophy


While there may be buzz about the future of Majora’s Mask generated from other recent Legend of Zelda releases, we can at least guarantee Skull Kid to make an appearance in an upcoming Wii U/3DS game. That’s right, Skull Kid has officially been announced as an assist trophy in the upcoming Super Smash Bros game by noted game director Masahiro Sakurai on his Miiverse page.

To those who did not play Super Smash Bros Brawl, assist trophies are essentially played like Pokéball stage items. However, instead of throwing a Pokéball and a Pokémon comes out, any character from the Nintendo universe can help you out with a unique attack spread. Here is a video showcasing all of the assist trophies in action:

It looks like the closer we get to the reveal of the upcoming Super Smash Bros official title and release date, we can look to see more than just playable roster characters revealed from Nintendo. Perhaps if Nintendo of America president and COO Reggie Fils-Aime doesn’t end up becoming a playable character, then perhaps an assist trophy is in the works?


Saturday, December 7 is VGX on SpikeTV starting at 6pm ET. Gamesided.com will have full coverage of the even both on the site as well as our Twitter page @Gamesideddotcom. Make sure to give us a follow to stay update on all the awards and reveals coming your way this Saturday!

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