Geoff Keighley and Joel Mchale to host VGX

VGX, formerly known has the Video Game Awards (VGA), is on Saturday, and the hosts for this year’s event have officially been revealed. Via Twitter, Game Trailers TV host Geoff Keighley announced that he and actor Joel Mchale will host this year’s VGX.

Keighley has hosted numerous video game shows, including both Sony’s and Microsoft’s next-gen launch shows on Spike TV in November. He has also been a producer of the VGAs for years.

McHale is most famously known for his roles on NBC’s “Community”, and E! Network’s “The Soup”. However, he has been a part of a few Ubisoft E3 press briefings as its master of ceremonies.

VGX takes place on Saturday, December 7 starting at 6pm ET on Spike TV. It will also be livestreamed on a number of different outlets online.


Saturday, December 7 is VGX on SpikeTV starting at 6pm ET. will have full coverage of the even both on the site as well as our Twitter page @Gamesideddotcom. Make sure to give us a follow to stay update on all the awards and reveals coming your way this Saturday!

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