Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain Will Keep You Waiting (Huh?)

While the prologue to Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain, Ground Zeroes, should be coming to the PlayStation 3, PS4, Xbox 360 and Xbox One in Spring 2014, you should probably expect to be waiting quite a while for the full game to be released. According to an interview by Famitsu (translated by Siliconera), Hideo Kojima sees Ground Zeroes as the setup to a greater game.

“If I were to put it in Hollywood movie terms, the prologue, that is Ground Zeroes, would be similar to the first 10-15 minutes that are meant to ‘captivate’ [the audience],” proclaims Kojima. “At first, something will happen, then the title will appear like ‘bam!’ and then nine years later, a big event will be the start [of Metal Gear Solid V]. That’s how the story will be connected.”

Ever the aspired filmmaker, it appears as though Kojima is pushing for a lot of content in Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain. He even mentions, “It would’ve actually been better to release it all at once, but by the way things are going, it appears likely that Phantom Pain will be coming out around the time the PlayStation 4 becomes more spread out. That means we would’ve had to make people wait a while longer.”

As well, Kojima cites an “Enormous volume” of content while will require a lot more time for the game’s development. Seeing how Ground Zeroes and Phantom Pain are both open-world games (with Phantom Pain on a much larger scale), Kojima has a penchant for hyper-attention to details paired with his desire to include cool hidden moments and dialogues within his games; Phantom Pain might not be hitting store shelves until 2015.


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