While I don't think anybody will be excited about this announcement While I don't think anybody will be excited about this announcement While I don't think anybody will be excited about this announcement

Peggle 2 Release Date Is December 9, Timed Exclusive On Xbox One


While I don’t think anybody will be excited about this announcement as this guy, but it appears as though puzzle game Peggle 2 will be making its timed-exclusive debut on the Xbox One on December 9. At least, that is what we can gather from an informative preview provided by VentureBeat. The game will be released at $11.99 as a digital download and will be one of the more notable games released within the Xbox One’s launch window after the Xbox One’s worldwide release.

There doesn’t appear to be a great deal of improvements to the core Peggle experience. There is, however, a noticeable graphical look in Peggle 2 that differs from the original. Peggle “Masters”, bumpers, pegs and the ball launcher have a more cartoonish appearance to them. The masters themselves are more refined, the backgrounds are better illustrated; the game looks like Peggle with more polish and more levels.

Speaking of levels, there are 120 levels in total. Some of said levels even have optional side objectives, adding even more replayability than before. New pegs are introduced, as well as certain master-based trials at the end of campaigns. The gameplay remains the same, but improved upon to justify that higher-than-mobile price tag.

If Peggle 2 stays true within itself, doesn’t make the game too easy for experienced players, provides new helpers with innovative peggle-removing technique and doesn’t try to nickle and dime players for extra money on top of purchase, this game will be on a much better footing in Microsoft’s gaming market than the $50 retail version of Angry Birds Star Wars for the Xbox One.

Peggle 2 will hit the Xbox Games Store for Xbox One as a timed exclusive on December 9 for $11.99 USD.


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