Happy Black Friday: The Top 5 Games Set in Malls

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1. State of Emergency

Imagine Dead Rising with real people instead of Zombies.

That was Rockstar’s State of Emergency.

The game itself was a budget title on release, and while that shows in level design and variety, the politics and subversive messaging Rockstar built into the game more than makes up for it. In the game you work against the World American Trade Organization: looting, blowing things up, and causing social unrest in the midst of an uncontrollable riot. It was simple, and offered little replay value, but in true Rockstar fashion, the sheer audacity of the game more than made up for it’s technical shortcomings. As someone who has spent too much time working, shopping and ratting in malls, this game offered pure social-angst release and (for 15 minutes at least) was the best time I’ve spent in a retail environment.