Black Friday.
The single biggest day for retail worldwide.
Last year a record $59.1 billion dollars was spent over the American Thanksgiving long weekend, with nearly 40% of consumers spending money on entertainment related items like CDs, DVDs and of course Video Games. It’s safe to assume a lot of those games were sold in the local mall.
Malls and video games share a unique, almost symbiotic relationship. They both came of age in the late 1980s, and at various points through the decade were accused of being responsible for the downfall of society’s youth. For those of us old enough to remember, the local mall was not only the place you’d go to buy new games, but it would often house the local arcade, or would have single game cabinets tucked into odd corners, or if nothing else would be the place to go to pick up the latest copy of Video Games and Computer Entertainment. So in honor of this relationship, and to celebrate the busiest shopping day of the year, here are the Top 5 Video Games set in malls: