Morning DLC: Video Games News And Rumors 11/22/13

"Rumours suggest the next game from the makers of The Walking Dead Us will be a fan favourite, as the Beeb give up on console games.‘Multiple sources’ are apparently convinced that Telltale Games is creating a game tie-in to George R.R. Martin’s Game of Thrones, although it’s currently unclear whether it’s based primarily on the books or the TV show.It’s also unclear whether the rumour is actually true, with Telltale only offering a stock ‘no comment’ to IGN when they asked."


"I have known a few people who have taken days off work following launches of major games. How else are you supposed to dedicate hours to gameplay when things like work get in the way? Well, Major Nelson is on your side, and has a doctor’s note for you so you can play Xbox One.It really is rather cute. You can go on over to the Xbox site, fill in the blanks, and send a note from M.Nelson, M.D., X.B.1 explaining that you need 1-3 days off work (or other activities) in order to take a heavy dose of Xbox One."


"Sunset Overdrive, the “living world” free-running title from Resistance creator Insomniac, will be released in 2014, Microsoft has announced.The game was announced at E3, but a launch date wasn’t mentioned.Earlier this week it was revealed that the game was now playable and has “passed its vertical slice” – a section of the game that demonstrates what it’s all about."