Beyond: Two Souls is a narrative-driven game directed and written by David Cage. He is responsible for previous games/”movies” Indigo Prophecy and Heavy Rain, and uses familiar tropes (like gratuitous, unnecessary shower scenes) and motifs (the illusion of choice) to push the stories in his Quantic Dream productions. One of Cage’s biggest criticisms is that the focus on story is too overdrawn, and that the gameplay is severely lacking in recent games.
David Cage hopes to address that in a Beyond: Two Souls DLC pack, entitled, “Advanced Experiments.” It appears to act as some background into the story as you train protagonist Jodie, and her spectral partner Aiden, through some government-sanctioned, blue-and-orange-tinted training course designed to test your limits within the span of 30 minutes. It retails for $4.99 on PSN.
Whether or not you believe paying $5 for 30 minutes or less of puzzle-solving gameplay that adds nothing to the story is a good investment is up to you. Especially when the entire content can be beaten in less than 10 minutes, I’m not sure that I would recommend it, unless you’re a completionist.
Beyond: Two Souls DLC “Advanced Experiments” has hit the PSN store for $4.99 and is available now. Here’s the trailer.
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