Final Fantasy X, X-2 HD Remaster Arrives March 18, 2014

Finally, Final Fantasy X, X-2 HD Remaster gets a release date for here in North America. After hearing the Japanese release date would be December 26 of this year, there would be some hope the US would get a release soon after. However the Senior Product Manager for Square Enix posted on the PlayStation US blog today that Final Fantasy X|X-2 will be released on March 18, 2014 for the PS3, the final day within their promised winter release.

It appears as though the PS Vita versions of both Final Fantasy X and Final Fantasy X-2 will be released a bit later than on Sony’s home console version, but notable signage near the end of the release trailer suggests mobile players will eventually get their hands on the remastered version.

Additionally, the remaster will include International versions of FFX and FFX-2. Final Fantasy X will include the Eternal Calm, while Final Fantasy X-2 includes the Last Mission. Pre-ordering now will still upgrade your game to the Limited Edition for free.

It is a shame the US will get this game in March of next year. There was hope for either a late-December or January-February launch for these games so that they could stand alone in their release (which has taken a lot of time and effort out of the development team). However, now it stands up against another PS3 release in Dark Souls II a week earlier, South Park: The Stick of Truth two weeks earlier, MLB 14: The Show as well as PS4 and Xbox One games, like Infamous: Second SonTitanfall and possibly Watch_Dogs or DriveClub.

It’s going to be a very busy month of gaming.


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