Thor: The Dark World Hits Marvel Heroes, Super Hero Squad Online

Okay, technically this weekend’s big new super hero movie is not officially in either one of Gazillion’s Marvel MMOs. But if you don’t think they’re capitalizing on the release of “Thor: The Dark World,” well then pal, I’ve got a rainbow bridge in Asgard I’d like to sell you!

Speaking of Asgard, the realm of the Norse gods is the focus of the latest update to “Marvel Heroes.” Currently you can take on giants and dark elves in Norway, and at the conclusion of a server-wide event, you’ll be able to cross the Bifrost Bridge to Asgard. Loki is also available as a playable character, and if you find that unusual considering that his evil schemes were responsible for the creation of the Avengers (comics and movie versions), remember that he also isn’t above aligning himself with just about anyone if it suits his ultimate goals.

“Marvel Heroes” also received some UI improvements and additional story missions. But perhaps the most exciting new addition is for new players, who now can choose from nine different heroes instead of five when they first start out.

There’s a distinct “Thor” influence in “Super Hero Squad Online” too, where Loki is sticking truer to form and has overrun the various zones of Super Hero City. Helping rally the troops is Beta Ray Bill, everyone’s favorite Mjolnir-worthy alien. There’s also a sale on the Avengers movie versions of, well, the Avengers, including Iron Man, Captain America, Thor, Black Widow, and Hulk.

So there you go. Once you’re done contributing to what is bound to be a fantastic opening weekend for “Thor: The Dark World,” you can hop online and keep the adventure going. For Asgard!