World Of Tanks Gives Bonuses And Discounts For Veterans Day Weekend

Veterans Day isn’t usually the kind of holiday that inspires event weekends from most MMOs. Then again, “World of Tanks” isn’t most MMOs.

Running now through Tuesday, November 12 at 3 am Pacific, a special set of “World of Tanks” Veterans Day bonuses are in full effect. All tankers will get XP and credit multipliers that include 5x for the first win, 2x credits for tier III and IV regular vehicles, 2x crew XP for tier VII and VIII vehicles, and 3x crew XP for tier IX and X vehicles. In other words, more XP for the veteran members of your squad.

There’s also a sale going on with equipment 50 percent off, premium ammo 30 percent off, tier V and VI vehicles discounted 30 percent, and tier VIII premium tanks marked down 30 percent. Topping off the weekend is a repeatable mission called “Three’s Company” that grants 30 percent extra credits to the top three damage dealers on both teams (random battles only).

Wargaming is also telling all players to keep the men and women who fought and died for all of us to preserve our freedoms in mind this weekend, and that’s a message we’re happy to echo here. Roll out those tanks, enjoy the event goodies, but don’t forget the people who made it all possible.


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