NBA Live 14 New Developer Diary


EA Sports has released a brand new developer diary for NBA Live 14 ahead of it’s launch later this month.

The video breaks down the game’s “Live Season” and “CourtQ” features. It basically means that if something happens to a player — good or bad — it will be represented in the game itself within a day.

From EA Sports:

"A GAME THAT KNOWS THE GAMESynergy is the official data providing service for all 30 teams in the NBA, and they log every single possession of every single game, every single day. Synergy provides detailed reports on each player that goes way beyond just the box score, drilling down into minutiae such as how often a player goes to his right or left, how his shooting performance changes in home games vs. away games, his go-to move in the post and much, much more…..One of the grand goals of CourtQ and Synergy is to eliminate subjectivity from player ratings and tendencies and go solely by the numbers. In order to give you the most realistic game possible, the players in NBA LIVE have to behave and act just like their real-life counterparts. That’s the direction we’re headed with CourtQ and we believe we’ve made major strides toward it in year one. It’s very exciting to think what the future holds for this technology."

We also get a glimpse at a bit more gameplay footage though it still isn’t the 5-on-5 raw footage that many are hopeful for with just 12 days until release.

What do you think of the live season updates coming to NBA Live 14? Leave a comment below, and let us know. Also, you can connect with us on Twitter




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