We are just a mere two weeks away from Sony ushering us into a new era of gaming with th..."/> We are just a mere two weeks away from Sony ushering us into a new era of gaming with th..."/>

Sony Releases New PS4 Trailer, Detailing Features Up Close


We are just a mere two weeks away from Sony ushering us into a new era of gaming with the release of the PS4.

Sony will be the new kid on the block, as they’re releasing the PS4 before Microsoft.

This follows the announcement that more games will be revealed for the system the night before it launches on November 14.

The arrival of more games sounds interesting and it would be good if they showed some game play of those games rather than just a short trailer.

The trailer below highlights some information about the console that we already know about, but they did it in a way that’s informative and handy.

Let me know what you think of the video and if you plan on buying the console on the first day of release or if you will wait.

PSA: Gamesided is looking for writers to join the staff as the next generation of gaming approaches. Our writers have to ability to express their passion for gaming to hundreds of thousands of people world-wide audience. They also get chances to review the latest games before they are released to the public. If interested in becoming part of the Gamesided staff, contact Daniel George at daniel.george@fansided.com!