“World of Tanks” certainly can’t be accused of resting on its laurels. The popular, free-to-play tank MMO keeps tinkering as it goes, and it’s got a whole new game mode in store in its new Update 8.9: Armored Spearhead.
That mode is called Team Battle, and it hones the gameplay down a bit to 7-on-7 skirmishes with a ten-minute time limit. Each team can field tanks and artillery up to Tier VIII, with every vehicle’s cost equal to its tier. The team total has to equal 42 points or less (teams can field five or six vehicles instead of seven, but they lose a point for each vehicle they are short), adding a new layer of strategy to deciding what to take into the fight.
Wargaming also added seven new tank destroyers to the German tech tree, new Chinese premium vehicles, and even the first Japanese tank, the Type 3 Chi-Nu Kai. A new map, rebalancing of many tanks, changes to the way the Personal Rating is calculated, and many more tweaks are also included in Armored Spearhead.
Of course the best way to get up to speed on all the additions and changes is just to go read the “World of Tanks” release notes. You might want to pack a lunch though, as there’s a lot there to take in.
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