Another game, another delay. Sony has announced that the MMO Planetside 2 will be coming ..."/> Another game, another delay. Sony has announced that the MMO Planetside 2 will be coming ..."/> Another game, another delay. Sony has announced that the MMO Planetside 2 will be coming ..."/>

Planetside 2 on PS4 Delayed


Another game, another delay. Sony has announced that the MMO Planetside 2 will be coming in early 2014 instead of the original late 2013.

“We’re helping the Sony PlayStation 4 launch on November 15 by releasing DC Universe Online at launch, and we’re following up that early next year with our next game, Planetside 2, on PS4,” Sony Online leader John Smedley told Bloomberg TV.

Planetside 2 was released on the PC in November of 2012, and was expected to be a launch title for the PlayStation 4. Now, fans will have to wait until next year to play some PS2 on their PS4.

This delayed marks yet another in the ongoing jumbling of the PS4 launch. Watch Dogs, Driveclub and The Crew were already delayed for this system, and Planetside 2 just adds to that elongating list.

So tell us Gamesiders, will all these delays affect your decision to get a PS4 at launch? Leave a comment below and let us know, or hit us up on Twitter @Gamesideddotcom.


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