The release of “Baldur’s Gate II: Enhanced Edition” is practically right around the corner, but the team at Beamdog didn’t want people to have to wait until November 15 to see everything it has in store. That’s why the company released new screenshots, concept art for the playable NPC Hexxat, and even music samples to whet everyone’s appetite.
Beamdog and Overhaul Games are doing their best to make the “Enhanced Edition” the definitive version of the RPG classic. The area art has been completely remastered from the original rendered and given full HD resolution support. The game includes both “Shadows of Amn” and “Throne of Bhaal,” as well as an arena challenge mode titled “The Black Pits 2: Gladiators of Thay.” Four new allies can be brought into the fold (including Hexxat, pictured below), each with their own personal storylines and quests.
“Baldur’s Gate II: Enhanced Edition” can be pre-purchased now ahead of its impending release for PC and Mac. A mobile version for both iOS and Android is also in the works but doesn’t have a release date at the current time. You can also visit the game’s media page for a whole bunch more screenshots, concept art, and music snippets.
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