Happy Birthday Sega Genesis


On October 29, 1988 the Sega Genesis hit store shelves in Japan, and started an era that made Japanese-based SEGA a main player in the console wars against Nintendo.

Fast forward to October 29, 2013 and the Genesis is still remembered as one of the most cult-classic consoles of all-time. Many owners of the console, including myself, still own and play it to this day.

With games like Aladdin, Vectorman, Streets of Rage and, of course, Sonic The Hedgehog, the Genesis was the must-have system in the early 90s. I mean who didn’t want that console when this was their advertisement in North America.

So Happy Birthday Sega Genesis! You’ve given us some great memories over the years!

For more on the 25th birthday for the Genesis keep it locked into Gamesided.com as memorial pieces will be up throughout the day. Also, follow us on Twitter for more fun looks back at the early 90s and the Genesis console!

Oh yea, don’t forget to leave your greatest Genesis memory in the comment section below. They will be included in our round up post later this evening!


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