Just in case you had your doubts about how Rockstar Games is doing these days, you’re about to be blown away. GTA V has sold almost 29 million copies, according to a Take-Two press release. In 6 weeks it has sold more copies than Grand Theft Auto IV has in its entire five and a half years, which estimates to roughly 25 million copies sold.
It is not all too surprising news. Fans have been yearning for a new Grand Theft Auto addition after IV, plus it took just one day for GTA V to garner $800 million in sales; a world record for any form of entertainment media.
What is surprising is the plans for Take-Two beyond GTA V. Multiple sources are reporting that Take-Two have plans for, “More than ten unique titles planned for next-generation consoles, including multiple releases slated for fiscal 2015.”
If you’re wondering what these titles could be, Take-Two owns the rights to games created by 2K Games, 2K Sports and Rockstar Games. Hopefully they don’t count each individual NBA, WWE and MLB games over 2015/2016 as a unique title, as that would take up at least 6 out of those 10.
Either way, things are looking bright at Rockstar Games. With the addition of Beach Bums, customizable GTA Online missions and heists, GTA V will continue to be relevant heading into the next generation of gaming.
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