A new video released by Microsoft highlights the Xbox One's dashb..."/>
A new video released by Microsoft highlights the Xbox One's dashb..."/>
A new video released by Microsoft highlights the Xbox One's dashb..."/>

Morning DLC: Video Games News And Rumors 10/28/13


"A new video released by Microsoft highlights the Xbox One’s dashboard, voice navigation capabilities and how users can switch between apps and games.The video demonstrates how a user can turn the console on, run applications, record gameplay and call up menus using voice commands. It also offers a look at how players can switch between applications and games. For instance, the user is shown joining a “Titanfall” match whilst watching a movie, then calling up the TV application mid-game.As highlighted during a TGS 2013 demo, the majority of Xbox One’s main menu will consist of five icons displaying the last five games and applications used on the console."


"Three brief clips from recently delayed PS4 racer “DriveClub” have been uploaded to Facebook using the console’s ‘Share’ functionality.The clips were uploaded by the game’s developer Evolution Studios to show off some of the console’s social media capabilities as well as the progress being made on the game.Demonstrating a mountain race in Norway, a wheel-to-wheel race against AI opponents in Scotland and a ‘stampede’ in Napal, the videos are short, but Evolution promises a full race will be shared online soon."


"“Batman: Arkham Origins” has made its debut at the top of the all-format weekly chart, despite selling half as many copies as its predecessor “Batman: Arkham City.”Week one “Arkham Origins” sales are comparable to the original “Arkham Asylum” release, and well short of “LEGO Batman: The Video Game,” which remains the best-selling Batman game in the UK.“Grand Theft Auto 5” drops to second, above “FIFA 14” in third, “Skylanders Swap Force” in fourth, and Nintendo’s new “Pokemon” games in fifth and sixth."

Digital Spy