Killzone: Shadow Fall Has Gone Gold

One of the most anticipated new games that will come out for next gen consoles has just gone gold. This is the first-person shooter from Guerrilla Games known as Killzone: Shadow Fall.

The game is a launch title for the PS4 and with this announcement gamers don’t have to worry if this game would have joined the growing list of games that have been delayed and pushed into 2014.

For those that don’t know what going gold means, it means the game is completed and the discs are ready to be pressed.

The plot for the game is set 30 years after the events of Killzone 3. The life on the Helghast home planet Helghan has been left in ruins, but the war still continues.

The Interplanetary Strategic Alliance (ISA) allows Helghast refugees to resettle on planet Vekta.

The Vektan and Helghast factions are living in a city that’s divided by a large security wall. The Helghast are fighting for their right to exist, while the Vektans are fighting for survival.

There are some new additions to the game play in combat where players can use something called an OWL.

This is an advanced hovering attack drone used by shadow marshals. It can also be used as a zip line and shield the player from enemy attacks.

The Killzone series has really found a home with Sony and it’s great to see that people who pre-ordered a PS4 will get the opportunity to play this masterpiece at launch. Guerrilla has really done a great job in making a shooter that’s exciting to play.

I will leave you with a trailer for the game that shows off the multi-player aspect.

Let me know your thoughts and opinions about the game.