One of the main drawbacks of mobile card battle games is that the cards they are based o..."/> One of the main drawbacks of mobile card battle games is that the cards they are based o..."/>

G.I. Joe: Battleground Gets Trade Feature, Keeps Rolling Out New Events


One of the main drawbacks of mobile card battle games is that the cards they are based on don’t always feel like… well, like cards. You can’t pick them up and hold them, put them in your bike spokes like our parents or grandparents supposedly did, or trade them. Wait, sometimes you can trade them, and DeNA is making sure that’s the case going forward in “G.I. Joe: Battleground.”

Starting with its next game update, players will be able to trade G.I. Joe and Cobra units with other players. It’s a feature that will probably be welcomed with open arms by players who tend to be heavier on one faction or the other as they attempt to balance things out, or by anyone who has duplicates of rarer cards that they can now swap to make their squads more versatile. If nothing else, it will give people a chance to mix up special skills so I don’t have to have my Joe team taken out by the dumb Pogo all the time…

“G.I. Joe Battleground” continues with its weekly events as well, getting ready to kick off Congo Clash. Running through October 15, this event features the Joes’ Tiger Force taking on the Cobra Python Patrol in a clash to see which animal-inspired special unit will reign supreme.

So now you know, and we all know what that’s half of. “G.I. Joe Battleground” is available for iOS and Android for free, so check it out if you need a mobile nostalgia kick, and tell them GameSided sent you.