Sony’s Adam Boyes: ‘Nobody Gains From [Console] Exclusivity’

While for consumers the saying goes for all types of games, but Sony’s VP of publisher and developer relations Adam Boyes believes in regards to indie games that, “nobody gains from console exclusivity.” He made as much clear at a keynote address at this year’s Indiecade in Los Angeles.

"Right now exclusives are just a way for [console makers] to brag louder. Nobody gains from exclusivity in perpetuity…Developers now have the option to deliver on a huge number of platform. We want developers to be successful."

If there was any question about if Boyes was talking about more than just indie gaming (including AAA exclusivity), he made himself clear on Twitter.

He does make a good point. Unless you’re a mega success like Minecraft, by limiting yourself to just one console you can be ultimately hurting your game’s success in the long term by cutting a deal in the short term. The Walking Dead may not have done so well if it was only available on XBLA, PSN or Steam exclusively.

On the other hand, Adam Boyes has played a huge part in bringing games like Resogun, Octodad and Rime as either console or timed console exclusive games to Sony gaming devices. Talk is cheap, and while it is great for Sony to have these games lined up for the PlayStation 4 it may not be as great for the indie developers themselves in the long run. Even if it is his personal belief, he should try to practice what he preaches.

There will be a considerable amount of indie games available on the PlayStation 4 when it launches in North America on November 15th.