You don't have to worry about the embarrassment of all your PSN friends seeing your ..."/> You don't have to worry about the embarrassment of all your PSN friends seeing your ..."/>

PS3 Is Headed For Major 4.50 Firmware Update Today


You don’t have to worry about the embarrassment of all your PSN friends seeing your “Hannah Montana: The Movie” platinum trophy anymore. Later today Sony will be launching the 4.50 firmware update for the PS3 that allow you to hide certain trophies from your visible trophy list.

As mentioned on the Sony US blog, there are more benefits heading your way than just trophy settings when you update your console.

  • System software updates now have automatic download support all PSN users, not just PlayStation Plus users.
  • Auto download support of purchases made on the online store will be made available to all PSN users. This means you can purchase content from non-PS3 devices and the console will automatically download it, if permitted, within a set 2 hour time block of your choosing.
  • Data can now be transferred from PS3 to PS Vita using Wi-Fi or an Ethernet connection.

The last bullet point might be one of the more intriguing additions in this PS3 firmware update. Just like how you can do remote play of the PlayStation 4 using a PS Vita over wi-fi, you can also move your gaming content between Sony devices without having to plug the Vita into the PlayStation 3.

The PS3 4.50 system update goes live later today.