Who says you can’t do fighting games right on mobile devices? Definitely not SNK Playmore, as the company was encouraged enough by the performance of its games on iOS that it’s giving Android owners a chance to get in on the action too.
Named in a way that only real fighting game fans can probably appreciate and love, “The King of Fighters-A 2012” (the ‘A’ stands for Android, don’t you know) is now available for all Android devices running version 4.0.3 or later. Just hit up Google Play, part with $6.99, and you’ll be enjoying full-fledged “KOF” scraps right in the palms of your hands.
For their patience, Android player will get to choose from 34 different fighters—including two who were DLC for the iOS version—to use in six different gameplay modes. Supplementing the classic three-on-three matches and solo battles may be the most crucial mode of all: a Training Mode to acclimate yourself with the touch controls. Even newbies should be able to handle themselves okay thanks to one-button Desperation and NEOMAX Super Special moves.
Add in what SNK Playmore is calling “tons” of unlockable Trading Cards, artwork and extras, and “The King of Fighters-A 2012” sounds like a pretty nice package even if it doesn’t roll off the tongue too easily. Check out the official website for more details or simply get to Google Play and get to fighting.