In an interview with Edge Online, Sony Computer Entertainment Europe president and CEO Jim Ryan states that he and others at Sony have discussed bundling the PlayStation 4 and PS Vita into one SKU.
When questioned about the validity of the initial rumor:
"Sure, I mean it’s the sort of thing we’re discussing. Now I’m not saying we’re going to do it…People have been intrigued by this, and there’s going to be a great deal of crossover between potential Vita owners and PS4 owners and we’re going to spent a lot of time reflecting on feedback. Clearly, finding ways for consumers to access both devices is a logical thing to do. Whether you put them together in a bundle, that’s one way of doing it – you might get a bit of a problem with the price, but there are a variety of ways and means to do that but it’s definitely something we’re talking about."
The PS Vita is in the middle of its transitional phase. It used to be the redheaded step child of the handheld gaming device industry, but Sony has been doing its best to turn the tide in their favor. gamescom 2013 saw a lot of upcoming PS Vita games being announced, as well as a live demonstration of the PS4 version of Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag running off the PS Vita remotely.
These kinds of demonstrations and moves, in conjunction with the price cut to $199, have been making the handheld that much more illustrious. It probably won’t be getting weekly sales numbers like the Nintendo 3DS has, but it is definitely a step in the right direction.
It seems too close to the November 15th PlayStation 4 launch date for Sony to announce a PS4/PS Vita bundle within the launch window. My wild guess is that the team at Sony responsible for these decisions will hold off on their plans until holiday season 2014, a full year after their next-gen console launches. A bundle containing a PS4, a PS Vita, a 32 GB Vita memory card and an upcoming first party studio cross-buy game (perhaps one by Naughty Dog) is announced for the price of $599.
Or it doesn’t happen at all. Either way, a man can dream.