Warframe Will Be Console Exclusive To PlayStation 4 For Only 3 Months

While Warframe is set to be a console-exclusive title launching alongside the PlayStation 4 on November 15th, it will stay exclusive to the Sony console for only 3 months. IGN has confirmed the news via Digital Extremes’ creative director Steve Sinclair, who had this to say on the matter:

"With how the industry is evolving, this really is the Player Generation. Games are reaching players hands in so many different ways now and Sony gets it, which is why we are bringing Warframe exclusively to the PS4 first. There’s no reason not to download Warframe on day one if you’re an action game lover – it’s free."

The free-to-play shooter is already available on PC’s as an open beta and has been since March of this year, but the PlayStation 4 version seems to have first rights on consoles for what is considered a short amount of time (in regards to timed exclusivity).

While no other console versions have been planned or confirmed as of this moment Meridith Braun, vice-president of publishing for Digital Extremes, told Official Xbox Magazine on July 25th, “We’re happy to see Microsoft shift its attitude on independent development for their new system. We’d be silly not to consider Warframe for Xbox One now.

So while PS4 has the initial install base advantage, it is still possible that the Microsoft can release Warframe on the Xbox One within the launch window of March 31, 2014. If they were to pick up the free-to-play game Microsoft would have to convince potential users to pay for Xbox Live Gold, as their current service policy requires the paywall for online play.